Fall Landscape Maintenance Projects

Green Summer _ HeroEven though the weather is getting cooler it isn’t time to pack up your landscaping tools quite yet. There’s still a lot to be done to your landscape this fall to prepare it for the impending winter. While you may think fall landscaping only consists of leaf cleanup, there are quite a lot of maintenance projects that should be completed. Here’s where you can start:



Fertilizing your lawn as well as all plants and shrubs in your yard is a very important fall prep step. If you’re unsure of what product to use, consider having the pH level of your soil tested. By fertilizing in the fall, you’re feeding your greenery with nutrients that it will store during the winter months, so come spring your landscape will look spectacular.



A layer of mulch adds interest to plant beds, but more importantly offers protection. In addition to enhancing your curb appeal a fresh layer of mulch insulates your garden beds. After the first frost it’s best to add a 3” layer of pine needles, wood chip mulch or pine straw to your plant beds. Mulch retains moisture, which is important for your plants in the winter.



Now here’s one fall maintenance task that most people are familiar with. As the leaves fall, grab that rake and clean them up. If leaves are not cleared off of your landscape, the carpet of crunchy leaves could actually discolor your grass by blocking out sunlight and air.  In addition to raking leaves, spend some time removing dead foliage, dried stems, debris in vegetable beds, etc. This cleanup is important to avoid attracting bugs and animals and will enhance your landscape.


Too busy to take care of your landscape the way you wish you could? Give us a call at Greenskeeper. We’re happy to provide fall landscape maintenance including fertilizing, mulching and even cleanup. For pricing information click here for a quote.