Helping Your Lawn or Garden Grow With Natural Fertilizers

Green lawn

There are many benefits of using natural methods for fertilizing lawns and gardens. Organic fertilizers are better for the environment and, if no other chemicals are used, will help keep your food free from synthetic toxic substances. Also, natural fertilizers benefit your soil by improving its water retention, raising its pH, and reducing erosion and crusting. Keep reading for some helpful information on why you should start using natural fertilizers on your lawn or garden today.


How Natural Fertilizers Work

Chemical and natural fertilizers add important nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to soil that are necessary for helping plants be as healthy as possible.  

Synthetic fertilizers are made from chemically processed materials and are extremely quick acting since they are water-soluble. Too much of this type of fertilizer can damage plants and does not enhance soil in the same way as organic fertilizer does.

On the other hand, organic fertilizers are made from naturally occurring materials. They are not water-soluble and are released to plants slowly. They have the extra benefit of improving the quality and structure of the soil and providing nutrients to beneficial microorganisms and earthworms when fertilizing lawns and gardens. These microorganisms are essential for converting organic materials into the nutrients your plants need.


Common and Effective Types of Natural Fertilizers

There are many options when it comes to organic fertilizers which often come in a dry or liquid form. Dry fertilizers are mixed into soil to aid in long term growth. Liquid fertilizers are liquid nutrients that are often combined with some type of binding agent that can be poured into the soil or sprayed onto the surrounding area. Here are some of the most common types of organic fertilizers:

  • Manure
  • Blood, bone, and feather meal
  • Seabird and bat guano
  • Fish meal and emulsion
  • Greensand
  • Rock phosphate
  • Alfalfa and soybean meal
  • Compost and grass clippings    

Fertilizing lawns and gardens with natural fertilizers is healthy, environmentally friendly, and great for your plants.