How to Fertilize Your Soil


Lawn and garden maintenance is important. A lot of the maintenance might rely on the type of fertilizer that you use. When it comes to fertilizing your soil, you normally can choose between organic or synthetic. Here is what you need to know about both types of fertilizing soil.

Synthetic Fertilizers

Synthetic fertilizers derive from different substances including ammonia and petroleum chemicals. These are the most popular and come in dry granule and liquid chemicals. These fertilizers deliver nutrients fast and will have an immediate effect. You can apply these with any lawn spreader. The only danger is burning your yard if you apply too much or too frequently.

Organic Fertilizers

Organic fertilizers come from real materials. These are composted manure, wastewater sludge, compost, bone meal or even fish emulsion products. These are more environmentally friendly fertilizers and due to the organic nature, they are less likely to burn your yard if you use too much. It’s important to note that these nutrients may be more delayed because they have a lower concentration of nutrients.

Fertilizer Additives

Some fertilizers include different ingredients and additives that will provide more benefits than simple fertilizers. Fertilizers may provide you with weed and pest control. Others may help you control weeds, ground ivy, dandelions and other plants that you might consider to be nuisances. When you choose fertilizers that have additives it can help benefit and save you a lot of time and money. However, you also need to make sure to follow the instructions closer.

It doesn’t matter what type of yard you have, when you want to focus on the health of your yard, there are some basics in choosing the right fertilizer. When you know which fertilizer is right for you, you can make an educated choice. If you need help choosing, you can also consult with a professional about the proper way to use types of fertilizing soil.