Reasons Verticutting May Be Great for Your Lawn


Spring is in the air, trees are starting to bud and grass is beginning to fill in after a long winter’s nap. Now is the perfect time to get your lawn prepared for summer. Though many homeowners are aware of the benefits of thatching and aeration, there is another lawn preparation method, verticutting, that may breathe life back into your grass. Here are some great reasons to give it a try.

Healthy Lawn

If walking over your springtime lawn is a spongy experience, you may have too much thatch, preventing growth. Verticutting, vertical lawn mowing, uses vertical blades to help eliminate excess thatch allowing more air, nutrients and moisture to reach the roots of the plants. The vertical blades dig deep and break up the canopy, allowing plants to breathe, improving the health and vigor of your lawn. Though this is a common practice for sports turf or commercial properties, many grass varieties may benefit from this process.

Water Conservation

Decreasing water consumption is not only good for the environment, but it can also be great for your pocketbook as well. Verticutting can improve the quality of your soil, making it more able to absorb water, without unnecessary runoff. Giving your grass uninhibited access to water will allow that water to actually reach the roots. The plant can then make food more efficiently, creating a beautiful, lush lawn, without extra watering.

Prepares for Overseeding

After a winter of leaf or snow cover, or a summer of harsh heat, you may see some unsightly brown patches. When you prepare your lawn for overseeding by vericutting, the seeds have access to soil, rather than landing in thatch. This ready access to nutrients allows seeds to thrive, and those bare spots can become full and healthy again.

Verticutting can restore your lawn’s vigor and beauty and is a smart choice to add to your lawn care program. Contact a lawn care professional today to learn more.