The Key to A Beautiful Lawn is Choosing the Right Fertilizer


Many people with patchy grass or brown lawns turn to fertilizer to improve the look of their damaged yard.  The wilted grass can quickly turn into a sea of green blades with the use of lawn fertilizer.  The problem is that many people don’t know that all fertilizers are not created equal.


Fertilizer is applied by sprinkling it over the grass and waiting for it to penetrate the roots in the soil.  The difficulty is that fertilization is a chemical process within the roots and different fertilizers contain differing amounts of nutrients.  Finding out which formula is right for your lawn is the first step to making it beautiful.  So, take a good look at the grass and see which of the supplements it needs.


Nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium are the primary nutrients your lawn requires for lushness and beautiful growth.  Nitrogen is the part of lawn fertilizer that enhances and encourages green turf growth.  Phosphorus helps your grass roots convert surrounding nutrients into useable food.  Potassium influences the size and shape of grass blades and helps to keep plants healthy.


When purchasing fertilizer, the three numbers listed represent the nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium levels contained, in that order.  Each fertilizer can have different levels of each nutrient, and formulations can contain different lawn solutions.  By studying the condition of your lawn, you can save yourself time and money when selecting a fertilizer because applying the wrong formula can damage your lawn and produce more dark patches.


Another way to discover what fertilizer your lawn needs is by having a lab or professional lawn care service analyze your grass. They can do a quick soil analysis, and the results can be a most definitive answer to your lawn’s problems.


Knowing what your grass needs and finding a solution with the proper lawn fertilizer can provide you with green, lush turf that may be the envy of the street.  Then all you have to do is stand back, add water, and watch your grass grow and thrive.