Top Tips for Tick Prevention and Control

Ticks are small insects that can cause big problems. A tick bite can bring any number of diseases, from Lyme disease to Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Anaplasmosis, among others. That’s why it’s essential for you to take tick control measures to protect yourself and your family from ticks in your own backyard. Here are a few tips to prevent and control ticks.


The first rule of prevention is to understand where ticks are likely to be found. They like moist environments where the climate is humid. That means you’re likely to find them in grassy or wooded areas. If you have a forest behind your home, you should be especially cautious about ticks in the area and take steps to control them. A simple way to take tick control into account when you’re walking in wooded areas is to stay in the center of trails where you can more easily avoid contact.


In terms of tick control, there are several chemicals that are effective. Repellents that contain the ingredient DEET are perhaps the most widespread and commonly used, and the most effective are those that have concentrations of 20 percent or higher. A product that includes the chemical permethrin can be used on clothing (but not on skin), and it lasts through several washes. Keep in mind that the products will explain on their labels how long a chemical is effective and any precautions you should take when using it on yourself or on children. There are also all-natural tick repellents available on the market.


Tick control doesn’t have to be a full-time job. By taking some smart precautions you can prevent and control ticks and avoid tick bites. Keeping hedges, bushes and high grasses trimmed is one way to minimize the risk of a tick bite. Applying repellents before entering areas like forests where ticks are likely to be present is another good way to stay safe. Just a few steps like these can keep you and your family tick-free.